Mediaconnect API documentation change log

This page shows the changes made to the Mediaconnect API documentation. The changes are ordered in a chronologically manner, showing the latest changes on the top. To go back to the API documentation page, please press the link on the top of this page.

McPay with merchantId

2024-07-11 14:29:54

Register Order with merchantId

2024-06-27 15:11:19

Open invoice payment with Nexi

2024-05-21 09:27:16

productDeliveryPlanId added to access repsonse.

2024-05-06 12:22:56

New McPay payment method - nexi

2024-05-06 11:26:23

Added article id list to Check access API to show all bought articles.

2023-12-20 13:57:53

Added External Reference API

2023-12-13 14:52:14

New API to checks whether product dependency grant some discount or not

2023-12-08 11:10:41

Modified examples for List invoice - client mode API

2023-12-08 08:54:44

Added information about Ratelimit for API-calls

2023-11-27 08:59:26

Removed GUI:loginCheckUrl

2023-11-21 12:00:38

Added field orderTypeCodes in List Products API for connected order types to a general product.

2023-11-01 13:14:11

Added field group1 to product API

2023-10-31 11:13:47

All path parameters are now required.

2023-10-12 10:46:50

McPay additional options

2023-09-26 14:43:14

Added productdeliveryplanId field in List coupon API

2023-09-01 10:20:15

Added links to old versions of McPay SDK

2023-08-25 10:05:35

Added productDeliveryPlanId field to List subscription and List subscription - client mode.

2023-07-04 08:58:16

Removed "List product" API, use Subscription API and Access API instead.

2023-06-28 07:29:17

Deleted List customer profile.

2023-06-27 13:25:33

Added new API named Productdeliveryplan

2023-06-22 14:20:33

Added paymentScope to McPay

2023-05-02 06:41:47

Added product delivery plan to Access API

2023-04-05 08:31:03

Field productCode in DistributionChangeRequest

2023-02-24 13:55:07

Sharing related APIs updated

2023-02-21 13:05:10

Added new endpoint for Distribution level for sharing

2023-02-14 09:29:01

Removed XML-examples.

2023-01-25 11:46:27

Add sales person identifier to List Subscriptions API.

2023-01-03 10:59:45

Removed Ticket API from the documentation

2022-12-20 12:56:48

Removed deprecated Ticket API from documentation, Removed Ticket, Add Ticket and Register Ticket.

2022-12-14 15:56:42

Removed deprecated fields nextIssue and deliveryDate from List next distributions API

2022-12-05 13:58:15

Added promotionCode and categoryCode in object OrderLine in Register Order API

2022-11-21 12:55:24

Added accessLevel I to CheckAccess APIet

2022-11-21 12:36:35

Added new endpoint List delivery stop - client mode

2022-11-08 09:10:13

Removed deprecated fields in Fulfillment API.

2022-11-04 14:23:08

Added pricedetails to List subscriptions API

2022-10-28 11:06:01

Added customernumber, crdential and uniqueID to Access API.

2022-10-28 08:19:30

renamed the name of endpoints in Issue API.

2022-10-14 13:15:28

Ticket API is now deprecated.

2022-10-10 11:40:26

Added new payment method vippsEcommerce to payment/invoice API

2022-10-07 14:21:04

Removed paymentMethod creditcard from OrderAPI.

2022-10-04 13:48:07

Added customerName to list shared subscriptions API.

2022-09-28 08:13:54

Add new field salesMethod to order API

2022-09-27 12:08:59

Added new payment method vippsEcommerce in orderAPI

2022-08-08 08:46:59

Added new field campaignParameters to registerOrder API.

2022-06-21 11:08:41

Added description about API-lifecycle.

2022-06-02 10:37:54

Added fields careOfAddress and departmentName to payer, receiver and recruiter in Register Order /-client mode endpoints. The existing fields coAddress and department is now deprecated.

2022-05-25 11:57:19

Added field floorType to address blocks in order API.

2022-04-19 14:01:33

Statistics API is removed from documentation.

2022-04-06 13:06:05

Shareable subscription nets(per domain, IP range)

2022-03-21 14:29:51

List renew statistics and List stop statistics APIs are deprecated.

2022-03-16 14:57:32

List products API is deprecated. Use access and subscription API instead.

2022-03-16 11:25:33

The section about Order-url (under About the URLs) is removed. Please use our API instead.

2022-02-23 13:23:11

Added statuscode 429 for too many request in response for API.

2022-02-09 09:58:09

Added period length info to client coupon list API.

2021-12-21 14:29:45

Added security level for every API.

2021-12-16 08:45:11

Added field allowAccessCategoryType to Order API.

2021-11-30 13:01:42

Added field shareable to subscription API

2021-11-22 15:20:42

added sharing api. Client sharing api

2021-11-10 10:48:53

Added APIs for sharing

2021-11-09 15:32:47

Modified description for APIs.

2021-11-02 13:48:03

Payment API changes.

2021-10-25 12:32:35

Modifed fulfillment API

2021-10-14 11:59:23

Added SwishPayex as a paymentMethod in Order API

2021-07-12 11:09:25

Add attachedUsers in response for GET/customerInfo client & non-client

2021-07-07 12:08:24

NumberOfLines is not required in ListAddresses, CustomerNumber is removed in Change customer info API, CompanyCode and product is required in Check article price and deprecated fields is removed in Complete order. Added default value for shop in Product API.

2021-06-25 14:30:45

New field invoiceEmailAddress for payer, that allows to set invoice email adress for customer during order flow.

2021-06-25 09:23:33

Added invoiceEmailAddress field to order API

2021-06-24 09:38:25

created send message client api.

2021-06-07 12:43:45

Include invoice due date in */customer/invoice/payment/* endpoints response.

2021-06-07 11:57:34

New API '/v1/customer/payment/vipps/agreement' to get Vipps recurring agreements.

2021-06-02 15:30:07

/v1/customer/invoice/payment/ response includes invoice reminders.

2021-05-25 12:35:02

Added new payment method for payment method change vipps recurring - recurringVippsPayment

2021-03-17 10:52:48

Added new endpoint /v1/customer/order/product/history which returns single orders history.

2021-02-22 16:06:46

Added new endpoint /v1/customer/issues/{product} which returns customer product issues.

2021-02-12 09:29:18

param 'productCode' for ticket API calls

2021-02-08 14:05:52

Consent API by default returns data only for active records. Specify query param onlyActive=false to request all data.

2021-01-14 09:08:33

param 'ticket' deprecated for change payment method

2020-12-18 10:43:33

added a description to indicate a endpoint is a client API or not.

2020-12-07 09:52:45

Profile API updated to support Apple social login.

2020-11-25 11:40:03

Added new end point /v1/customer/invoice/details which returns detailed invoice information.

2020-11-04 11:14:44

Added product in client/access api

2020-10-29 12:46:20

Improved description for /v1/client/order/{orderId}/user

2020-10-23 09:45:34

Updated customer invoice API to show that it returns a list

2020-10-22 05:55:11

Added new API endpoint POST: /v1/client/order/{orderId}/user

2020-10-19 14:31:35

Updated List invoices info API for initial version.

2020-10-16 14:40:51

Added the field isSendMessage to Fulfillment API

2020-10-14 11:26:52

Added field recipient to Fulfillment API

2020-09-16 09:40:48

Written about our Knowlegde base

2020-09-15 11:49:09

Updated description for fulfillment API with info on how to attach an order to a specific ConnectID user

2020-09-04 13:16:38

Added case type override to Message API.

2020-08-31 10:55:59

Added field invoiceOfferCount in List invoice API to show the number of offers on an invoice.

2020-08-27 11:16:41

The order url (About the URLs/ URL:order) is now deprecated.

2020-08-26 07:55:13

Added messageSubject in Message API

2020-08-20 14:10:30

List customer profile is deprected.

2020-08-14 12:13:36

Added new endpoints to Profile API for extracting basic information about the useraccount, also from external sources(social login).

2020-08-07 14:14:23

Order with new payment method: other

2020-08-04 12:53:53

Prepaid order for PayEx: isPanEnrolled field

2020-06-05 15:26:11

Prepaid order for PayEx

2020-06-04 09:49:22

Added new payment methods to Payment API: List payment methods

2020-04-16 12:55:13

Added maxLength for fields to Payment API: Pay invoice

2020-04-15 13:36:46

Added new endpoint to Payment API: Pay invoice. Added new paymentMethods and description to Payment API

2020-04-15 12:43:42

Add documentation for URL:azure (azure/{id}?returnUrl={returnUrl}) call.

2020-03-31 13:51:19

Added new endpoints in PayEx API: List PayEx token and Add PayEx token.

2020-02-25 09:42:24

Added a new API named PayEx. Remove PayEx token is a new endpoint in PayEx API for marking a PayEx token as deleted.

2020-02-20 09:09:12

Added field invoiceStatus in List invoice API to show invoice status.

2020-01-21 14:02:41

Added field personsSocialSecurityNumber in RegisterOrder API.

2019-11-27 11:27:56

Check coupon price is a new endpoint in Coupon API for calculating the price on an order before sending it to ConnectID.

2019-11-18 13:15:29

Added field unpaid in List invoice API.

2019-11-08 13:02:15

Added fields deliveryStopChannel and deliveryStopReason to DeliveryStop API.

2019-11-05 14:36:18

Added enum order as a subjectType in Consent API.

2019-10-25 08:57:32

Added possibility to check access based on category type in checkAccess API.

2019-10-11 08:19:24

Added enum smsPay as a paymentMethod in Register order API (client mode).

2019-10-09 08:05:59

Added enum creditCardPayex as a paymentMethod in Register order API (client mode).

2019-10-08 14:42:38

Added invoice lines details in client invoice payment API.

2019-09-20 10:23:34